Arts and Culture

"Adapta is a leading independent technology consultancy for the Arts and Culture and broader non-profit sectors, providing tailored advice and strategic guidance on everything to do with data, digital and technology."
As trusted advisors and specialists we offer a depth of knowledge and appreciation of the sector, and our consultants all have experience at senior levels. We are completely independent, and - in all our work - we set the highest standards to ensure our services are objective and tailored to the needs of the organisations we work with.
Who we work with
We specialise in working with clients across the Arts & Culture and broader non-profit sector, including:
- Creative industries
- Galleries
- Heritage
- Libraries
- Museums
- Performing arts
We can help you with some of the key technology challenges facing the Arts and Culture sector today, including:
- Digital, data and technology strategies – working with your senior management team to help you understand how arts and culture organisations are adopting digital tools, managing data and using technology to modernise their operation, and helping develop a plan of action to help drive your organisation forward.
- Supplier & solution selection - whether it’s a new finance system, a new managed IT services provider or anything else – we know the market inside-out and can help ensure you get the right solutions to meet your needs.
- Information security & data protection - Helping you to understand your risks, and plan for addressing them – to make sure your data is as safe as it can be.
What our clients say

Steve Holloway
Database Implementation Project Manager, Chichester Cathedral
"You delivered exactly what we were looking for."

Alex Beard
Deputy Director, Tate
"The review was challenging as it highlighted a number of areas for improvement. But a particular strength was the way in which Adapta communicated their findings and conclusions to us, enabling a constructive and forward-looking response."
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Protecting your charitable organisation from cyber security breaches and attacks is vital. In this webinar, data and security experts from Adapta Consulting shared their insights, tips and best practice guidance with CFG's Arts Sector Special Interest Group. It's recommended viewing for all organisation interested in learning more about keeping their data safe!
Tim Foxon
Finance and Operations Director, NYO
“Adapta’s real added value was in how they helped us understand how we could evolve to use data, digital and technology to support both our strategic objectives and the needs of our various audiences. We now have a focused plan of action, informed by their expert knowledge of the technology and partner landscape"